Twogether Day is a promotional event aimed at driving foot traffic to malls in the US, leveraging the collective appeal of group shopping incentives such as BOGO (Buy One, Get One), two-for-one deals, 50% off a second item, and more.
By partnering with major mall management companies and leveraging the reach of national retail organizations, this event will showcase brands from the top retailers at malls, highlighting the ongoing appeal of malls to consumers.
Twogether Day is August 14, six months from Valentine’s Day, and just in time for Back-To-School.
But every day will be TWOGETHER DAY at, where there will be daily listings of great double deals and BOGO offers available at retailers everywhere. But only when you shop twogether with someone else.
So get twogether with your sister, brother, father, mother, BFF, adversary, co-worker, boss, roommate, neighbor, favorite K-pop singer, or even a complete stranger, and get ready to save.